Tuesday, September 27, 2011

First in Park shift

Okay I had my first in park shift at DCA and lets say it was an interesting experience. I was suppose to be sheduled for Hollywood Pin Cart in Hollywood Backlot.

So I got to parking lot and parked my car and hour before I clocked in and thought I'd given myself enough time to figure out everything. So I go to costuming at Harbor Pointe and this is a new experience. For World of Disney, I am so use to get my costume underneath Grand California Hotel, and there you go to a window and the CM's there get the costume for you. For park shifts in Disneyland and DCA you have to get it yourself. Well I go up to a CM there and say unsure of my costume so they look it up and it says I need the Greeting California shirt and khaki pants. So the CM directed me to where they are and then I'm left to pull my own size.

So I get dressed and then realized I have no where to put my stuff. Once again at WOD we use clear lockers where you input a code to lock it. (You create your own each use). Well the lockers there use combination locks so I had to go ask about getting that one. And let me say I'm terrible at using combination locks for some reason so it took me a bit to figure it out so my stuff wouldn't get stuck in the lockers lol. So by time I put my stuff away. It somehow became like 5 mins are so 'till I clocked in. I was like oh crap. So I exit and had to figure out where DCA backstage entrance was which I figured on my own. But then I was lost and confused and some fellow CM's told me how to get to Gone Hollywood. So I finally get there and ended up late for my shift which ugh had a goal to avoid getting any points this month and was doing good too. :\

But anyways I go in the store and was directed to the backroom and the lead there told me I had the wrong shirt on but she let me clock in but I had to go back to costuming to get the correct one wich she showed me what it is. So walked back and got the right shirt, came back and by then it's like 3:30, 30 mins after my shift start. Terrible I know. But then they set me up in the system there and walked me to Pin Cart and all of a sudden could not log in over there. I was like great really? So after 10 more mins figuring out what to do, they finally put me in the outdoor kind of shop called Studio Store right across from the Muppet 3D show. Wasn't too bad there just wow the Hollywood Backlot is like dead man zone. Working over there reminded me when I worked at the Aquarium of Long Beach, and out back they had a store called Shark Shack in Shark Lagoon and that would be a dead zone during weekdays.

But yeah started off a little crazy but everyone was so nice including the leads in helping me out. And it helped that another CM I've worked with at WOD was in Studio w/ me for a little so someone to talk to. But hopefully if I get another in park shift it won't be this bad because I'd like to give it another try. Definitely a different atmosphere then being in Downtown Disney.

Now tomorrow morning I start my 2nd class, Leadership Speaker's Series class. Hope it's a good course and I learn something from hearing people from different lines of business share their stories.

Monday, September 26, 2011

New shifts outside WOD!

So once again sorry about the slow updates. Really is hard to update once you start the program. You're so busy and when you have days of then you're just tired.

But a couple weeks ago at my 2nd check in, I think for like 75 days, I asked about getting shifts outside of World of Disney a.k.a WOD and my home manager, Sarah said she'd put a email in about my request. Well like 2 weeks later I get scheduled outside of WoD.

Yesterday(Sunday), I had my first experience at Marcelines(a Candy/Sweets/type of store in Downtown Disney) and lets say your shift flies by fast over here because always busy with few mini breaks to stop and restock and what not. Also I had to basically learn things through out the day because never had time to really stop and figure out how things go. Also it was a closing shift which was okay, even though some of us who had to walk, including me didn't finish our closing assigment. (I was at 8 hours and they weren't doing O/T). But overall was okay.

Tomorrow, I'm scheduled my first in park shift, Hollywood Pin Cart in Disney California Adventure. So I have to for a first get my costume, at Harbor Point Costuming. Never been over there, and also not sure where to clock in either. So this should be a interesting experience. I guess I'll give myself some extra time to figure this out.

Then on Saturday, I have Pin Traders(located in DTD) so hopefully that one isn't too bad though I still know nothing about the pins or anything. Everytime a guest ask me about pins at WoD, I'm always unsure and have to ask others for answers. I mean like special release pins and stuff. I never got into the pin trading before I started working. I mean its okay but not something I'd personally do.

Okay also it's Halloween Time at Disneyland Resort! Still haven't been in the parks since the decorations went up but I am trying to go to one of the Mickey's Halloween Party. I already have my costume. Just need to buy my tickets.

Oh and I really need to utilize the Team Center. I just now seeing they have discount tickets, for Wicked? I'm definitely looking into that sometime this week. I saw the show few years ago and would love to go again. But regular prices are expensive!

But that's my update for now!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

So I haven't posted in a while, mostly because nothing to exciting has happened. One dis-advantage to being a local CPer is that for a while working at Disney just felt like a job instead of being in the College Program especially once my first class was over.

But now the housing kids have arrived and the Fall College Program has begun to kick off with CP events happening. I've already done one, the scavenger hunt. I'm not really into scavenger hunts but I mostly did it to hopefully meet some of the new people because I hardly see to many people who are in the college program at my area, World of Disney and two I knew of already quit in the last month so yeah. But I also signed up for the Dream Suite tour later this month so excited to do that even if it means having to come up to Disney on my day off.

Summer time is over and we're now entering off-peak season and you can already tell at the resort as it has been less crowded. Which means we're soo slow in the store all day until maybe the last couple hours we're open. Its so hard to keep busy during the slow periods. But however since the parks close right after all the night events happen(Fireworks and World of Color) on weekdays, we get a small rush of people coming into our store that the last few days instead of us closing at 10pm they've extended to 11pm. So some of my fellow CM's got their schedules extended much later. Lucky for me Tues and Wed didn't get effected to much.

Also the last few weeks have just felt weird to me because first in a while, I don't have to worry about school since I graduated in May. So it's like wow so I don't have to worry about textbooks or anything. Also in the past couple weeks, had two guests come up to my register showing their CSULB ID for their identification and a lady who said she teaches there. I'm like aww I went there. I miss that campus already :(

But other than that not to much eventful has happened. I did a few days ago take my 6 year old cousin to Disneyland for a first and it was a interesting experience. He doesn't get to go to much places so I just think the whole park was a little too much for him at first. He'd kept crying before we get on rides thinking it'd be scary and I tried to take him to all the little kid stuff and then he'd end up after the ride going 'that wasn't so bad' lol I think my favorite ride I took him on was Jungle Cruise because whenever the skipper was all like duck. He jumped down so fast it was too cute. I hope to try and take him some more soon so he'd get more use to park and actually want to go up to the characters lol

Oh and also a group of us in the CP Fall Facebook group got tickets to see Ellen in Oct. I'm super stoked because I've always want to go to her show but in the past I always couldn't because of school. Now I can. Yay!

Oh and last today saw an announcement that an upcoming Twilight Convention is happening in Nov in LA. And the way they're hyping it up sounds like it's gonna be good like last years I attended. Now I just have to hope some miracle I can get the weekend off to attend. *crosses fingers*

'Till then I'll try and update more often instead of like once a month haha.

Monday, July 25, 2011

30 Day Check-In

So yesterday had my 30 Day Check-In and passed. And talked to my home manager Terri and it went well. She's really nice. Though I talked to her once before but was reminded I forgot to clock out on one of my first days working. Which I'm still not sure how that happened since I clock out everytime, very weird that happened.

But so far everything is going okay and not so bad. Finally got too see some of the new stuff such as a week ago got to ride Star Tours finally once. Was kind of cool. Definitely better than the outdated old version haha. Only thing I haven't seen yet is the Mickey's Soundsational Parade. I just never found the chance. And when I do have time, it starts like so close to when I need to go change and get ready for my shift. One of these days...

Tomorrow have a in-park assignment for Blended learning class. Looks like we're probably doing a scavenger hunt like assignment. So least get to play a little even though will be dead tired.

But other than that not much has happened. Well except I got sick out of nowhere last week and had to make my first call-in which was trying to avoid. The points system scares me not going to lie. I just try my darn hardest to not rack any points. I think it's just mostly I got fired from a old job for being late even if it was a couple minutes and I was with the job for over a year, almost two and I don't ever want a repeat of something like that happening again. So if I have no points, less I worry. :)

Friday, July 8, 2011

Busy busy last few weeks

So I haven't had much time to update this is because I've been so busy and tired. All I've done is work sleep then work some more and on my days off been busy doing other things planned.

So after a couple weeks working at World of Disney isn't too bad. I'm starting to become more familiar with things and the store layout and all the process of paying, doing returns, and exchanges. Basically is not as overwhelming anymore. Everyone is so nice and helpful though when I'm unsure of things and help me out so I know what to do or find something. I've already made a couple friends through the college program and some of them working in the store so it's nice to have some people to talk to and know of.

Other than that work work work, not much free time to play in the parks though I did get to finally check out the new Little Mermaid ride a week ago. Hopefully I can catch the new parade and Star Tours next week.

I did, last friday and wednesday see my favorite group Backstreet Boys w/ New Kids on the Block and those were great shows. I never get tired of seeing BSB. Though I finally got to meet them by winning a soundcheck pass through the fanclub after being a fan for sooo long about 14 years aye! haha. It was great they're cool and fun when in a laid back setting.

Well that's about it that I have to update for now. Hopefully I'll have something interesting to share soon.

Monday, June 27, 2011

On The Job Training

So Saturday and Sunday had training at World of Disney and day 1 was just packed with lots of information. You think you're understanding then they're like now you need to do this and that. At the end of day 1 I was just like OMG.

So day 1 spent mostly in a room and worked on test registers on how to ring up transactions and accept different forms of payments. Then learned returns and exchanges, which after 2nd day still not sure how to do that correctly. Haven't had to do one on the floor yet. Anyways near end of shift they took us out to the floor and for a hour we went on the registers. It wasn't too bad it's just remembering how to use the system. I've had a couple retail jobs and everyone's registers are different so it's like just remembering how they ring and take payments and when to ask for identification. Since I've had jobs where they want you to and jobs where we don't.

So day 2, started out as a quick review over what we learned then took us out on the floor where most of shifts we stayed. Wasn't so bad except had to run around the store looking for stuff and had an angry guest for having to wait. But with help got it sorted out. But last at the end of the shift we had to learn how to close out. They told us how in day 1 but so much information that most of us didn't even remember next day.

Once we got hands on how to close it became a little clearer but there's so many steps, and I'm nervous when I'm on my own tomorrow(tuesday) I'm gonna screw up somehow lol.

And never thought there be so many numbers I have to remember outside of my personal life. There's numbers for like everything, to activate this or that. Or contact lead managers, stock room, fun little numbers to call for guests so can get a special messages from characters. I'm like aye!

But yeah overall the training wasn't too bad. Had great trainers and the group of us had a lot of fun joking around whenever we were in back learning the info and I've slowly been making lots of great friends already.

Tomorrow is my 2nd class meeting and then think I might hang out in the parks with some of the people from the facebook group until my shift which is at 6:45pm or 18:45 as Disney uses haha. Till then later.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

First Class!

So had first class today, Blended learning course. Had to be at Paradise Pier Hotel at 8:30am so ugh another early morning. I'm not much of a morning person but managed to get myself up. Guess have to thank my previous job at my school for helping with that. Over there I had to be at work at 6:30 am, yikes I know! lol

But the class was okay, did a lot of little activities through out class, got to meet and chat with other fellow CP'ers and found out another CPer already works at World of Disney at my table so got some insight on what to expect. But yeah overall it's okay course so far. I honestly wasn't looking forward to the education portion since just graduated so I'm like oh more classes...yay? lol But the atmosphere is cool, everyone including the instructors are friendly. And in this course not all the classes meet at the same place so hopefully will be a fun, interesting 9 weeks. :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

World of Disney Cast Member

So yesterday, found out my specific location after 'Welcome to... Merchandise' and also training schedule. First of all Welcome to was definitely not as fun as Traditions. I was really bored most of the day and the videos and everything was hard to keep my attention. I was very thankful when end of the class came. lol

Okay so first I'm working at World of Disney in Downtown Disney, which isn't a bad store. I've gone to DTD in the past just to look in there before. But can't say I'm a little bummed didn't get placed in one of the parks. But oh well I'm still surrounded by lots and I means lots of great Disney merchandise.

Got my schedule, all my shifts are pretty late. First I ever had to work a job where I won't be getting off till really later/early morning. But I'm just glad I'm a night person. Most of time I'm not in bed 'till 2 or 3 am so guess works out a bit. lol

And last got my costume, which took me 2 1/2 tries to get it right. The costumes run a bit smaller than what I wear in real clothing. But the costume isn't to bad, for those shopped in the World of Disney, it's like some kind of dark green(maybe olive color looking for?) pants, white button up shirt, and a vest that's brown with little mickey heads, and stripes and dots on it and green in the back. I mean really not that bad. I've seen other costumes and some I really don't care for so glad I get to wear what I do. lol

But that's it. I have my first class tomorrow at 8:30 am then I don't start training until Saturday! So hopefully this will be a not to bad experience. :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Officially a Cast Member!

So today just finished Traditions, and it was actually very fun. They really try to make it enjoyable and even throw in a few activities through out the day which are also great to get to know more people as well.

Yesterday was check-in, wich was mostly just paper work and little introduction what to expect. As you go through the first few days, you begin to learn a little more. Tommorrow I have a Welcome to, Merchandise training class where I'll have more details of what to expect in my role. As far as where I'm working not quite sure but I think, Downtown Disney, which would most likely be World of Disney store. I should find out for sure tomorrow.

But today yes was traditions, was so hard to get up early to get there in time. We learned about the park; past, present, future, did a little tour of Disneyland on stage and backstage. Some of backstage wasn't too new to me because I've been back there when in high school my school's marching band got to perform before the parades for 3/4years I went. Then last year I got to be back there for the Volunteer parade. But it's still nice to know a little more where things are. :)

But I'm tired, have to be back at TDA for Welcome to at 8:30 am. I'll be sure to try and post how that is and my location.

Oh and a special guest presented our ID's and name tags at the end of Tradition's today. :D

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A little over a week!

So next friday, June 17th I check in to start the program. Date is finally so close can't wait. I've been getting anxious because can't wait to find out exactly where my location will be. I'm hoping somewhere in Disney California Adventure, Then Disneyland preferably not main street becaue not sure if I would want a store like The Emporium yet, and the World of Disney in Downtown Disney my last choice, but in the end I'd honestly be happy with any area.

So the past couple weeks been getting ready, such as went out bought some business casual attire since I really don't have much. When your in the program you need to wear it for Traditions and any courses you take. I mean its a good thing to have outfits anyways. I'll also have them when I also need to start looking for others jobs and stuff in the future.

I also had to send in background paper work and you have to fax it, which sucks since had to spend quite a bit at Kinkos to get it done. To bad they don't have scan than email as a option to get the paper work to them but oh well.

But anyways can't wait to start and share all my experiences. But for now I'll enjoy this weekend as Friday is my birthday, thinking of going to Lets Make a Deal taping and wearing something birthday related haha not sure but if I do sure it'll be fun. Then on Saturday heading up to San Diego for the day and checking out Sea World! I haven't been to SW since I was a kid so excited to see some of the shows though I'm not expecting much but sure it'll still be good.

Anyways I probably won't post again until after my check-in but I'll definitely share how that goes. I hope to make this blog not only to document my moments but also help future hopefuls applying to know what the program is like. Till next time! :)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Getting close!

So so much is about to happen soon. May is literally around the corner and I'll be graduating finally May 25th and then a few short weeks after will be checking in for the Disneyland College Program!

So since my arrival has been getting close been starting to get a few emails from Disney from things to look forward to signing up for my first course. Which in the summer all the offer is Blending Learning course. And they all start at 8:30 am aye but I will be taking the class on Tuesdays!

Also at first I had a little conflict with some dates in July but glad finally got the days I needed off so I can attend two concerts I bought tickets to last year which was for NKOTBSB haha. I was gonna wait to try and request once I start but since the shows are on July 1st and 6th was so worried it'd be hard to get the shift off to attend with it especially being around 4th of July weekend, but Disney granted me the days off so whew can now enjoy the shows with my friends!

I'll stop rambling now. Hope to visit the parks sometime next month to get one more visit out of my Annual Pass before I start. So if I do get around to that, I'll take pics and share. Also if anything else significant to the program comes up I'll try and share on that. If any questions on the whole process of doing the program feel free to comment!

Disney Bucket List

Just saw this while searching around on Tumblr while being bored haha

Disney Bucket List

(taken from someone else)
Simply mark “X” for everything that you have done at the Disneyland Resort!
[x] I have had a churro.

[ ] I have had a Dole Whip or Dole Whip Float.

[x] I have visited the character’s houses in Toontown (Mickey, Minnie, etc).

[x] I have skipped down Main Street.

[ ] I have had a meal at Club 33.

[ ] I have taken a picture in front of Club 33.

[ ] I have been stuck on a ride, or evacuated from a ride.

[x] I have seen Space Mountain with the lights on.

[x] I have seen Push the trashcan.

[ ] I have been to Disneyland alone.

[x] I have arrived at Disneyland early for opening (“rope drop”).

[x] I have stayed at Disneyland until closing.

[x] I have stayed at Disneyland all day from opening until closing.

[x] I have shown more excitement when meeting a character than most young children.

[x] I have ridden all 4 mountains (Splash, Space, Big Thunder Mountain, and the Matterhorn) in one day.

[x] I have sat in the very front or back of the Monorail.

[x] I have worn a birthday button.

[x] I have worn a birthday button when it wasn’t my birthday. (it was a few days early!)

[ ] I have danced with a Princess.

[ ] I have danced with a Prince.

[x] I have danced in a parade or show. (done both! Great memories!)

[ ] I have played musical chairs with Alice and the Mad Hatter.

[ ] I have made a wish at Snow White’s Wishing Well (or Minnie’s, or the moat of Sleeping Beauty Castle, etc).

[ ] I have stayed at all 3 hotels at the Disneyland Resort.

[ ] I have had Mickey shaped pancakes for breakfast.

[x] I have waited in line more than 2 hours for a ride or show.

[x] I have taken the train just for the grand circle tour of Disneyland.

[x] I have taken a day (or quick) trip to Disneyland (or DCA) and did not ride a single thing.

[x] I have visited the Disneyland Resort 2 or more times in a single month.

[ ] I have visited the Disneyland Resort 10 or more times in a single month.

[ ] I have cried while watching the fireworks.

[ ] I have been to a wedding at the Disneyland Resort.

[ ] I have a brick in the esplanade.

[x] I have mouse ears, or another kind of hat, with my name on it.

[ ] I have gotten a free tortilla (or bag of tortillas) at the Mission Tortilla Factory.

[ ] I have traded a pin with a cast member or guest.

[x] I have ridden the same ride more than 3 times in a row.

[ ] I have been to Disneyland in the rain.

[ ] I have been at Disneyland during an earthquake.

[ ] I have spotted a celebrity at Disneyland.

[ ] I have been on a date at Disneyland.

[ ] I have been on an outdoor ride at night as the fireworks were going off (Autopia, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, the Matterhorn, etc).

[x] I have secretly skipped school or work to take a trip to Disneyland.

[x] I have an annual pass.

[ ] I have experienced every single attraction at the Disneyland Resort.

Applying and getting accepted!

Note: I started my postings on tumblr but decided to move over to blogger.com to continue my adventures!

So I’ve been looking forward to doing the Disney CP for last few years but decided to wait until my last semester of school to apply which I thought would’ve been last fall. So I applied for Disneyland and Disney World Spring 2011 programs and was rejected from both. I was so bummed because couldn’t understand why. But now I guess figure it just wasn’t meant to be the season because I had to take some extra classes this semester so I’ll graduate this May.

So I re-applied for both parks in Jan. Within like 3 weeks I heard back from WDW and was accepted for Merchandise but after 2 weeks decided not to do it. I never even been to WDW before or been away from home a long time. So I decided to risk and wait for my first choice Disneyland. And I guess it paid off because after 6 weeks, I got the call I’m in for once again Merchandise! So happy. I live really close to Disneyland so I always try to go when I can so glad I can now return the favor and now create magical experiences for the guests who come to visit! But I’m still shocked that rejected from both last time only to be accepted by both this time, crazy. Guess taking what I learned from my last interviews and working on it helped a lot to make me less nervous this time!

Now I wait until June 17th, 1 week after my birthday. Can’t wait to do this wonderful experience! I hope to use this place to post my ramblings related to the program and my experience and adventures once I began. So sorry if not much updates right away, but stay tuned!