Saturday, June 18, 2011

Officially a Cast Member!

So today just finished Traditions, and it was actually very fun. They really try to make it enjoyable and even throw in a few activities through out the day which are also great to get to know more people as well.

Yesterday was check-in, wich was mostly just paper work and little introduction what to expect. As you go through the first few days, you begin to learn a little more. Tommorrow I have a Welcome to, Merchandise training class where I'll have more details of what to expect in my role. As far as where I'm working not quite sure but I think, Downtown Disney, which would most likely be World of Disney store. I should find out for sure tomorrow.

But today yes was traditions, was so hard to get up early to get there in time. We learned about the park; past, present, future, did a little tour of Disneyland on stage and backstage. Some of backstage wasn't too new to me because I've been back there when in high school my school's marching band got to perform before the parades for 3/4years I went. Then last year I got to be back there for the Volunteer parade. But it's still nice to know a little more where things are. :)

But I'm tired, have to be back at TDA for Welcome to at 8:30 am. I'll be sure to try and post how that is and my location.

Oh and a special guest presented our ID's and name tags at the end of Tradition's today. :D

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