Monday, July 25, 2011

30 Day Check-In

So yesterday had my 30 Day Check-In and passed. And talked to my home manager Terri and it went well. She's really nice. Though I talked to her once before but was reminded I forgot to clock out on one of my first days working. Which I'm still not sure how that happened since I clock out everytime, very weird that happened.

But so far everything is going okay and not so bad. Finally got too see some of the new stuff such as a week ago got to ride Star Tours finally once. Was kind of cool. Definitely better than the outdated old version haha. Only thing I haven't seen yet is the Mickey's Soundsational Parade. I just never found the chance. And when I do have time, it starts like so close to when I need to go change and get ready for my shift. One of these days...

Tomorrow have a in-park assignment for Blended learning class. Looks like we're probably doing a scavenger hunt like assignment. So least get to play a little even though will be dead tired.

But other than that not much has happened. Well except I got sick out of nowhere last week and had to make my first call-in which was trying to avoid. The points system scares me not going to lie. I just try my darn hardest to not rack any points. I think it's just mostly I got fired from a old job for being late even if it was a couple minutes and I was with the job for over a year, almost two and I don't ever want a repeat of something like that happening again. So if I have no points, less I worry. :)

Friday, July 8, 2011

Busy busy last few weeks

So I haven't had much time to update this is because I've been so busy and tired. All I've done is work sleep then work some more and on my days off been busy doing other things planned.

So after a couple weeks working at World of Disney isn't too bad. I'm starting to become more familiar with things and the store layout and all the process of paying, doing returns, and exchanges. Basically is not as overwhelming anymore. Everyone is so nice and helpful though when I'm unsure of things and help me out so I know what to do or find something. I've already made a couple friends through the college program and some of them working in the store so it's nice to have some people to talk to and know of.

Other than that work work work, not much free time to play in the parks though I did get to finally check out the new Little Mermaid ride a week ago. Hopefully I can catch the new parade and Star Tours next week.

I did, last friday and wednesday see my favorite group Backstreet Boys w/ New Kids on the Block and those were great shows. I never get tired of seeing BSB. Though I finally got to meet them by winning a soundcheck pass through the fanclub after being a fan for sooo long about 14 years aye! haha. It was great they're cool and fun when in a laid back setting.

Well that's about it that I have to update for now. Hopefully I'll have something interesting to share soon.